
My weight is approximately 59.0 Kgs - I would like to reach the milestone of 60 Kgs. This is my diary... Links: http://jimoid.com http://tinkychenko.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ok so since I wrote last year a few things have happened. Got married in September and went on honeymoon in March to Jamaica. It was 2 weeks all inclusive and I ate more than my fair share of food and weighed around 63-64 Kgs when I came back. I've lost one or two Kgs since then but still have a bit of a belly.

When we came back from Jamaica also found out that Elise is pregnant. All is going well at the moment and the baby is due on 21st November. Elise is mainly well, but very hungry constantly and has a sore back too.

Also two days ago we had an offer accepted on a house we like. Hopefully we'll be back in Manchester in 8 weeks time and I can stop doing the hideous travel to work from Stoke and Elise can stop driving ridiculous distances to Leicester too.


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